543 Clinics
493 Clinics
484 Clinics
440 Clinics
We try our best to resolve an issue as soon as possible. Resolution time is case-dependent. However, we generally take 1 business day to to repy to our customers.
Yes, PLIM carries out soft credit checks to determine creditworthiness of the customers applying for BNPL.
Please get in touch with us via email at [email protected] or any of our social media channels and our team members will get in touch with you.
For general enquiries: [email protected]
Customer service: [email protected]
We take every measure to see that your personal information is secure. Please refer to our privacy policy by clicking here
Customers can register with PLIM by visiting our marketplace
For clinics, please click here to register your clinic
Both clinics and customers can sign up on PLIM marketplace and enjoy the benefits that PLIM offers.
PLIM offers a ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ option without charging any interest to the customer. PLIM charges a minimal commission to the clinic and pays the rest of the treatment amount to the clinic once the customer pays the deposit.
PLIM is a platform that offers interest-free 'Buy Now, Pay Later' credit services for elective medical aesthetic procedures, enabling patients to access aesthetic treatments from qualified specialists.